On 21 November, EKN marked a significant step forward in the European Erasmus+ D-ChallengHE project, initiating the WP4 with a key meeting with the partner IEDU (Institute for Education Romania). EKN will lead the WP4, focusing the efforts on a playful approach to learning. Its main objective is the realization of an educational Serious Game with the intent of introducing and experimenting with the principles of gamification in higher education.


The meeting marked the beginning of a collaboration between EKN and IEDU, with both partners involved in the design and implementation of the SG. This innovative tool aims to challenge and engage students, offering an interactive and stimulating approach to learning, in line with the objectives of D-ChallengHE. In fact, the project promotes transnational collaboration in the field of higher education, addressing some emerging challenges in the educational landscape. 


In the coming weeks we will continue to work with the same objective with the other partners of the D-ChallengHE project: Academia, Klaipeda University, Hellenic Open University (HOU) and Link Campus University (LCU). 

Project web-site: https://d-challenghe.unilink.it/

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