DIgital Technologies, Education and Society



The Digital Technologies, Education, and Society Research Center (DiTES) was established with the aim of enhancing digital technologies from a perspective of individual, organizational, and community empowerment, drawing networks of collaboration across different sectors of society and fostering cooperation between different forms of knowledge to address growing social complexity.

In a hyper-technological society where digitization processes progressively impact the most significant areas of society, from education to organizational, institutional, and relational processes, it becomes necessary to promote and support social innovation processes where the individual is placed at the center.

In this way, the DiTES research center wants to encourage connections between different worlds, particularly between school, work, services, territory, and research, positioning itself as an agent of social and cultural change and innovation.

Social innovation


By ‘social innovation‘, we mean the search for new responses and alternative solutions to unresolved social problems. In this perspective, paths of innovation are considered: the identification and distribution of new services that improve the quality of life of individuals, organizations, and communities; the recognition and implementation of new integration and inclusion processes in the labour market; the development of new skills, through the creation of new jobs and new forms of participation that can actually contribute to enhancing the role of individuals and communities in the global game.

The center aspires to play the role of an “innovator-integrator” subject, which, while rooted in a specific technical-cultural sector, can intercept intersecting paths, creating new opportunities and modes of collaboration aimed at promoting the production, enhancement, and transfer of knowledge, precisely starting from the recognition of differences, overcoming the idea of opposition to pursue that of complementarity.

 The key principles guiding the establishment of the research center are:

The network


The value of the network in an intersystemic perspective, where entities belonging to different worlds can share and exchange resources, ideas, and mutual value in terms of orientation towards practices and visions shared among different actors and disciplinary and institutional areas. The goal is to create connections, thereby enhancing the logic of the supply chain. From school, to university and research, to the world of work, the aim is to encourage social innovation in order to impact the broader socio-economic and productive system;



The multidisciplinarity of skills that are considered crucial in order to adequately respond to the complexity of the contemporary world. The exchange in a cross-cultural perspective, which fosters networking and diversity, can have a greater impact in multiple contexts. Moreover, adaptability and the ability to collaborate, in both traditional and virtual environments, allows for movement within complex, fragmented, and territorially dispersed organizational systems.

What Students Say

