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The D-ChallengHE HUB, in collaboration with Skillman.eu, has launched a dynamic initiative by establishing interdisciplinary research groups (RN). These groups unite individuals who share common interests, passions, and research objectives, fostering a fertile exchange of knowledge and virtuous collaboration. Key features include:
- Regularly organizing meetings among members.
- Open participation to all interested individuals.
- Playing a crucial role in animating the HE research observatory.
Each group is led by one or more coordinators who actively facilitate discussions and collaboration within the group. These research networks are strategically focused to inspire individuals and facilitate effective work on specific topics and meetings are conducted in a well-organized workshop setting, promoting active participation, intellectual debate, and the free exchange of ideas.
Presently, there are seven active groups within the HUB. The platform welcomes the formation of new groups and encourages interested parties to submit a program of activities, along with the names of promoters and brief biographies, as a means to promote inclusivity and expansion within the interdisciplinary research community.
Click here to join the research network
The existing research groups are as follows:
RN.1 New Role of HEIs in Front of Globalisation and Global Crises. Values, Mission And Goals For The Future Of HEIs
Coordinator: Stefania Capogna
RN.2 Artificial Intelligence in HEIs
Coordinators: Simona Velea, Olimpius Istrate
RN.3 The Economic, Social And Ecological Sustainability Of Digital Transformation
Coordinators: Ligita Simanskiene, Julija Melnikova, Erika Župerkienė
RN.4 Curriculum design and mismatch job supply demand, skills for a changing society
Coordinators: Žan Dapčevič, Natalija Žunko, Nina Gaube
RN.5 Soft skills for HE students, innovating teaching models, tools for supporting teaching and learning
Coordinators: Dr Stefanos Armakolas, Fotis Lazarinis, Theodor Panagiotakopoulos
RN.6 Digital and emerging skills
Coordinators: Dario Carrera, Michela Fiorese, Angela Macrì
RN.7 Academic Research: ethical and methodological issues, Computational challenges for humanity
Coordinator: Maria Chiara De Angelis