Reskill – Restart

Flavia Marzano and Stefania Capogna participated in the two-day in-depth study carried out by Diversity Oppurtunity on the topic of organizational change brought about by the lockdown. A discussion that started from the analysis conducted by Erica De Prisco, with the contribution of Talent and […]

The map of immigrant entrepreneurship in Italy

Ricerca conclusa Dall’integrazione economica alla tutela della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro “La mappa dell’imprenditoria immigrata in Italia”, progetto di ricerca sviluppato da Università degli Studi di Roma “Roma Tre” e Fondazione Censis, in collaborazione con INAIL – Dimeila, con il supporto finanziario dell’Inail nell’ambito […]


Completed Project DECODE, “DEvelop COmpetences in Digital Era”, is an action research project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Program of the European Commission, which aims to create the best conditions for the exchange of best practices in teaching digital skills. The project starts from the […]