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N. 3 - 2023
Reinventing University: The Digital Challenge in Higher Education

Curators: Stefania Capogna, Ligita Simanskiene e Erika Zuperkiene

“Reinventing University: The Digital Challenge in Higher Education” is a collection of articles that explores the many intersections between technology and higher education, offering a timely exploration of the challenges and opportunities that define the contemporary academic landscape.
The digital challenge in tertiary education does not just represent technological change; but it is a transformative force that is redesigning the very essence of academic practices.
As we stand at the confluence of tradition and innovation, this special issue serves as a collection of insights, ideas and innovations, each carefully curated by the scientific committee of the
D-ChallengHE project. These contributions delve into the complexities of the transformation of universities in the digital age, addressing the critical issues that characterize the entire academic scenario.

Copertina Quaderni 2-2023

Curators: Ida Cortoni, Veronica Lo Presti, Eleonora Sparano

This issue of the journal addresses the theme of “Teaching Enhanced Learning for Engaging and Inclusive Learning” in the digital age.
The topic is certainly not new in the international scientific debate, being interdisciplinary; it falls within the themes underlying the studies of Digital Education and Digital Literacy, but it represents an ever-evolving issue insofar as it is influenced by technological innovations and socio-cultural changes promoted by the progressively advancing digital culture in different educational environments.
In this sense, digital education in teaching and learning processes must be scientifically recognized in academic settings, institutionalized by emphasizing the methodology and evaluation strategies that media educational practices experienced over the years, for systematizing interventions, scientific literature, and critical reflections on the subject.
Within this issue, attention is precisely focused on the methodologies and evaluation strategies activated and to be activated from the perspective of digital education, with particular attention to best practices in various educational contexts: from primary school to university.


A cura di: Stefania Capogna, Manuela Minozzi, Danila Scarozza

This report is one of the outcomes of the ERASMUS + project RE-EDUCO (Rethinking EDUcation COmpetencies. Expertise, best practices, and teaching in Digital Era) which the DITES research centre, Link Campus University, coordinated in partnership with the Cyprus Computer Society (Cyprus), the Espoon SeudunKoulutuskuntayhtyma Omnia (Finland), Hellenic Open University (Greece), the Italian Digital Revolution (Italy) and Insomnia Consulting (Spain). RE-EDUCO emanates from a virtuous collaboration between the worlds of school-university, work, and professions. The central idea of the project is the development of teaching models aimed at overcoming the theory-practice dichotomy, according to the service-learning approach, which aims to integrate in practice, within a balanced path, teaching/learning and intervention to intercept and respond to the needs and problems present in the community, allowing students to learn and put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired. The guiding value of the project was “to take care of things”, the environment, the people, one another, regarding didactic, pedagogical, and social models that have made history and which today, more than ever, represent an essential point of reference to renewing the education system from within.


Curators: Lavinia Cicero, Eugenio De Gregorio, Speranzina Ferraro

This issue proposes an analysis of the global phenomenon of the Covid-19 pandemic on the educational, psychological, and social levels, which, in addition to the inevitable emergence of contradictions and problematic issues in broader and more important socio-economic contexts, has, however, stimulated processes of adaptation and crisis management, along with opportunities for transformation and innovation across the board: in communities and larger institutions, in social groups, and naturally at the individual level. Through the narrative of the crisis experienced and concrete experiences, it is possible to discern signs of new perspectives and opportunities, in addition to those tools and resources already present and consolidated, which are beginning to outline a new model of sustainable and inclusive development.

Copertina Quaderni di Comunità - N2-2022

Curators: Angelo Del Cimmuto, Fulvio Oscar Benussi

The digitization and its applications in the educational, training, academic, and organizational fields constitute the reference contexts through which we intend to describe the real applicability of digital processes to teaching-learning paths and to the dynamics of the job market and associated life, to describe the scope and innovativeness of what is experienced and achieved in current societal contexts.

This reflection aims to always maintain a critical perspective to avoid falling victim to the pitfalls of technological determinism, to illustrate both the bright and dark sides of an unstoppable process that can only be guided through an adequate understanding of the complexity of the variables involved.

Copertina Quaderni di Comunità - N1-2022

Curators: Stefania Capogna, Donatella Cannizzo, Concetta Fonzo.

The issue n. 1/2022 of the journal “Quaderni di Comunità. Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella società 5.0” is dedicated to the Challenges and Opportunities for education, training, and employment systems during the emergency period. Unlike ever before, there is a clear perception, across all latitudes, of a situation of crisis and emergency for which it is difficult to see an end. This issue is therefore dedicated to recounting the attempts and strategies to recover from the devastating effects, both socially and economically, caused by the global pandemic.

The common thread that linked all the contributions of the sections and essays is identifiable in the search for the creative, reflective, and generative drive that individuals are capable of activating, drawing on their personal and community resources, to address crisis situations. The overarching perspective sought to be offered aims to observe the collective effort in this time of uncertainty, aimed at seeking new and essential forms of cooperation to address complex problems and common difficulties.

Copertina Quaderni di Comunità - N1-2021

Curators: Stefania Capogna, Angelo Del Cimmuto, Concetta Fonzo.

“Quaderni di Comunità. Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella società 5.0” represents the challenge that we, as observers and scholars of society, have chosen to undertake, in an attempt to contribute to the reflection that the complexity of the current period demands. The desire to confront this challenge has matured during the pandemic crisis: the first issue comes to light at a time when we are still in the midst of the social, health, and economic drama. Never before has the fragility of modern society, which has placed its faith in science and technology since the Enlightenment, kneeling first at the altar of the economy and then at that of financial speculation, been so evident, producing the paradoxical effects of wealth without redistribution, widely documented in scientific literature and in commonly adopted indicators of social inequality studies.

Added to this is a crisis of leadership and vision that cuts across many sectors and contexts, struggling to govern complexity, fueled by the dizzying change brought about by the digital age in all sectors and exacerbated by the global pandemic. The crisis of traditional forms of governance, upon which the fortune of modern society has been built, is inscribed in the crisis of the welfare state.

The common thread of this volume weaves through a reflection on education, work, and society in the times of the global pandemic emergency, to look through a multidimensional and multi-perspective lens at the educational challenge of the 21st century. This challenge urgently demands that the educational system be brought back to the centre of the community in which it is located, so that it is deeply rooted in the territory and its local vocations, radically transformed by the digital revolution.