DIG4LIFE project for digital literacy (30-hour PCTO) implemented using Serious Games for self-assessment of digital skills for citizenship, according to the European framework DIGCOMP2. Â Edition 1: 2022

DIG4LIFE project for digital literacy (30-hour PCTO) implemented using Serious Games for self-assessment of digital skills for citizenship, according to the European framework DIGCOMP2. Â Edition 1: 2022
The ‘guidance in decision-making’ project aims to help young people become aware of their talents and resources. The reflexivity workshop includes illustrative moments accompanied by guided self-analysis, group work, experiential training, role-playing, and guided discussions. All activities require strong involvement and active participation from students […]
The course introduces students to social research in the field of communication, presenting different contexts of application and the most important methodologies in use. Starting with an overview of the transformations of the digital revolution and its implications for individuals, organisations, and society, students engage […]
The course aims to provide students with an overview of the issues related to online navigation. During the course, the criticalities of the digital world are analysed in search of practical and easily implementable solutions to avoid the negative consequences (not only legal but also […]
Hackathon (20-hour PCTO) dedicated to high school students, aimed at self-assessment of the skills required by the world of work and the digital society. Â Edition 1: 2023
The PCTO in the Buth-ai “Building Trust in Human Centric Artificial Intelligence“ is a 30-hour module on “The European Union’s Approach to Human-Centric AI Use.” The PCTO is aimed at high school students. The module unfolds through a hackathon, led by a team of expert […]
A crucial aspect of the D-ChallengHE “Digital Challenge in Higher Education is the innovation in learning and teaching practices. This Pathway of Excellence aimed at university students seeks to: enhance students’ digital and interpersonal skills;. promote teaching methodologies in line with the principles of Technology […]
New approaches to Teacher Professional Development have highlighted the need to focus on a set of key components to provide effective TPD at scale, such as professional learning support, collaboration and reflection with peers, a variety of formats and platforms to make content available for […]
“Digital Competences for Education. Guidelines for Teachers and Education Agencies” is one of the documents resulting from the research and training activities carried out within the DECODE Project “DEvelop COmpetences in the Digital Era. Competences, best practices, and teaching in the 21st century”, realized within […]
As highlighted in the recent work of the European Commission (2016, 2020/a; 2020/b; 2020/c), digital transformation gives a rapid acceleration thanks to the development of new technologies, including artificial intelligence, robotics, cloud computing, blockchain, industry 4.0 and the new Internet era. These innovations have a […]