EDU Hub is an open community of practices that, by leveraging the opportunities of networking, aims to provide an opportunity for all those operating in the world of schooling, training, guidance, and social innovation to:

  1. a) build alliances and new synergies to generate value
  2. b) share best practices, trials, and experiences conducted to pool them, and promote dissemination, sharing, and social innovation
  3. c) participate in training activities and/or trials carried out through the projects promoted by the DITES center
  4. d) become active agents of social innovation
  5. e) participate actively and free of charge in the paths of peer labs and contamination labs designed by the DITES research center which promotes the initiative.


Membership in the EDU HUB community is free and allows you to:

receive the quarterly newsletter from the Research Center for free with an excerpt from the magazine Quaderni di Comunità. People, Education and Welfare in society 5.0

be informed about training initiatives and conferences in which you can participate for free

be informed about the calls and contests promoted by the DITES research center and by the magazine Quaderni di Comunità. People, Education and Welfare in society 5.0.


The EDU HUB community was born from the impetus of the RE-EDUCO and DIG4LIFE projects and will continue its activities within the BE-COMS project to establish itself as an autonomous space for collaboration for value generation and talent enhancement.


To join the EDU HUB Community, simply register by filling out the form at this link.

Centro di ricerca DITES


Chi siamo

Il Centro di ricerca DITES è emanazione di una proficua collaborazione di ricerca avviata su questi temi già dal 2016. Il Centro si propone come uno spazio di ricerca e sperimentazione dedicato ai temi dell’education da realizzarsi per la scuola e con la scuola e con tutti gli attori pubblici e privati, istituzionali e collettivi che hanno a cuore la centralità dell’education in tutte le sue declinazioni: istruzione, formazione, tirocinio, lavoro, accompagnamento, eduitainment.

Il DITES, diretto da Stefania Capogna, vede la partecipazione di docenti, dottorati e dottorandi, assegnisti di ricerca e tesisti di diverse università nazionali e internazionali, di professionisti e dirigenti impegnati in diversi ambiti e che compongono le unità di ricerca.




Concetta Fonzo
Referente area Cooperazione
Maria Chiara De Angelis
Referente area Tecnologie digitali, educazione e società

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